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GT750 Country Specific Versions

Suzuki uses a region code to identify country or area specific variants of motorcycles they manufactured. These differences can be both changes to meet country specific vehicle certification requirements, as well as models tailored to a specific market. For the GT750 series, the country codes I have data on are:

Note: E21/E34/E53 are common to each other, and E39 is common to E18.

Where a region/country is not identified, it is assumed the parts listings are for the 'General Export' model known as 'E1', which generally corresponds to what was sold in the UK with only a few minor differences - chiefly being the handlebars and speedometer. Japan is interesting as it had its own very unique versions sold only in the Japanese domestic market.

I am always interested in hearing of additions and/or corrections - please contact me directly if you wish to contribute !

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