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End Game


While no project is ever really finished, this one at least is on the road and being ridden in good weather. I still have a few things I want to change as time, money and my wife's patience permit, but in general I'm quite happy with how it rides. A few photos of the finished item are below - just click on any of them for a larger version:


And finally, a topic worth touching on is what appears to be a recurring urban myth concerning the 500/5 model and the 10 fin barrel (see page 2 of this fairly recent write-up as an example). None of the early news photos or photos in the Suzuki shop manuals show this - they all clearly show 11 fins. A possible explanation for the origin of the myth may be the ad that also ran in the December 1967 Cycle World issue showing the 500/5 - the fin just even with the top of the exhaust collar is in shadow, and so not clearly visible unless the photo is enlarged and so gives the appearance of being a 10 fin barrel. It is also possible that some reporter just couldn't count ! Below left you see the original photo used in the December 1967 ad, the ad itself in the centre and on the right is the insert that appeared in a reprint of the 1967 Cycle World issue listing the changes made to the T500/5 test machines for the MKI production model that was sold beginning in 1968. Just click on the images to see a larger version.